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Removing Sparrows From Your Home

Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Birds shows the residents of a quiet California town being attacked suddenly and unexpectedly by birds. We have all seen the clip where the woman is being attacked by the birds and they are pulling at her hair, making her extremely upset. Now, thankfully those types of things don’t happen in real life, but you may feel a small amount of that woman’s pain if you have a family of birds taking up residence in your home.


Part of the finch family, sparrows are small birds that often enjoy building nests in dryer vents and bathroom fans, attics, and garages. At first you may not even notice that nests have been built, but soon you might hear the chirping of new baby birds or you may notice that your clothes aren’t drying as quickly due to the blocked air flow in your dryer vent. You may feel bad displacing these winged creatures, but their nests create a fire hazard in your home.

Calling a Technician

Once you call for the help of a technician, they will be able to come and identify where the sparrows are nesting. Through humane methods, they will be able to remove the sparrows and their accompanying nests to a more suitable place of residence. Sparrows will return if measures are not taken to exclude them from your home, so the technician will place screens or netting over your dryer vents and bathroom fans to prevent further nesting. If there are any additional entry points, the technician will take care to seal those off.


It is extremely important to exclude these birds from nesting in your home because they cause a large mess and, more importantly, they carry various diseases and parasites which are very easily transmitted to humans and domestic animals. Sparrows also play host to many undesirable pests such as bed bugs, fleas, and ticks.